The Legal System Made Easy


5 Categories for Personal Injury Cases

When it comes to a personal injury lawsuit, there are five general categories of case type. The type of category you must file under depends on the type of injury and how it was sustained. A general overview of these categories can help you better determine the type of case you have.  1. Negligence One of the most common types of personal injury suit is negligenc

How to Use the Small Claims Court if You Don’t Know the Whereabouts of the Other Party

If you run a small business and rely on people paying you on time, you may be particularly upset if you cannot get somebody to comply. They may not have complained and seemed to be happy enough with your product or service, but the cheque or credit card number is not going through for reasons you cannot understand. In this case, you may be able to go to the Small Clai

A Few Examples of Things Your Business Lawyer Can Help You With

If you are a business owner and if you hire a business lawyer, there is a good chance that you will find that they will help you with a variety of different business-related matters. These are just some of the different types of things that a business lawyer should be able to help you with throughout the years that you might work with them. Mergers and Acquisitions Ri

When the Executor of a Will Doesn't Fulfil Their Obligations

What should you do when the executor of a loved one's will fails to fulfil their duties? And what are your options when the executor of an estate neglects their duties? Reasonable Expectations It's important to have reasonable expectations. Receiving your share of an inheritance isn't like being paid by an employer, where the funds are deposited into your account by a

Postnuptial Agreements and Their Importance

A postnuptial arrangement is a legally binding document drafted and ratified after the pair has been lawfully married. It specifies how properties can be shared and include various other rules about behaviour in marriage. It covers the allocation of domestic duties to rules for monogamy,  the proper number of visits from family members, and everything else. Read